My Community

Photos by Sue Chesnut, Michael Wasgatt, Jeff Gutekunst, Jim McConnell, Ted Ray and Others.

Fundamentals and Purpose of a Community Association

People choose to live in community associations for numerous reasons. Many owners value the inherent benefits offered by community association living. Community associations are designed to manage common or shared property, protect owners’ property values, provide services for owners, and develop a sense of community through social activities and amenities. By purchasing property in the Crystal Lakes community association, owners agree to abide by the community’s pre-established rules and guidelines.


Each common interest community has its own history, personality, attributes, and challenges, but all associations share common characteristics and core principles. Community association fundamentals help foster a better understanding of how associations function and the roles of owners and association leaders. The principles at the heart of the community association model are intended to inspire effective, enlightened leadership and responsible, engaged citizenship.


  • Associations ensure that the collective rights and interests of owners are respected and preserved.
  • Associations are the most local form of representative democracy, with leaders elected by members to govern in the best interests of all residents.
  • Associations provide services and amenities to owners, protect property values, and meet the established expectations of property owners.
  • Associations succeed when they cultivate a true sense of community, active owner involvement, and a culture of building consensus.
  • Association owners have the right to elect their community leaders and to use the democratic process to influence the policies that will protect their investments.
  • Association owners choose where to live and accept a contractual and ethical responsibility to abide by established policies and meet their financial obligations to the association.
  • Association leaders protect the community’s financial health by using effective management practices and sound business principles.
  • Association leaders have a legal and ethical obligation to enforce the association’s governing documents and abide by all applicable laws.
  • Association leaders seek an effective balance between the preferences of individual owners and the collective rights of all owners.
  • Association leaders and owners should be reasonable, flexible, and open to the possibility—and benefits—of compromise, especially when faced with divergent views.
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