Governing Documents and Policies

Photos by Sue Chesnut, Michael Wasgatt, Jeff Gutekunst, Jim McConnell, Ted Ray and Others.

Governing Documents & Policies

Governing Documents

Colorado Common Interest Ownership Act (CCIOA)
Colorado Revised Nonprofit Corporation Act

Declaration of Unified Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CCR's) AR Articles of Incorporation AR Bylaws


Administrative Policy 10.19.2024 Adoption and Amendment Policy 04.18.2015 Alternative Dispute Resolution Policy 03.21.2015 Amended Association Collection Policy Summary (see policy below) Architectural Requirements 11.06.2024

On May 17, 2023, Governor Polis signed SB23-178. The new law revises C.R.S. §38-33.3-106.5 of CCIOA, part of which addresses the use of xeriscape and drought-tolerant landscaping.  The law requires associations of detached single family home communities to adopt at least three pre-approved water-wise garden designs for installation in the front yards.  The Association is not exempt from the new law however the new law does not require the adoption of a policy.  The Association is however required to adopt three water-wise landscape designs, no Association approval is required in connection with the installation of any landscaping and therefore any and all xeriscaping is allowed.

Adopted Designs.

Capital and Operating Reserves Policy 05.11.2024 Camper Storage Area Policy 08.20.2022 Collection Policy 09.20.2022 Conduct of Meetings Policy 03.18.2023 Conflict of Interest Policy 01.17.2015 Covenants and Rules Enforcement Policy 09.17.2022 Document Retention, Destruction and Inspection of Records Policy 10.19.2024 Fire Pit Specifications and Open Fires Policy 05.11.2024 Fishing Policy 05.13.2022 Government Funding Procurement Policy 07.18.2015 Off-Highway Vehicle Policy 02.20.2016 Recreational Use of Lakes and Ponds Agreement 07.30.2022 Reserve Funds Investment Policy 05.11.2024 Reserve Study Policy 09.21.2013 Snowplow Operations Policy 12.16.2023 Use of Common Elements Policy 05.11.2024 Waste Disposal Policy 02.18.2023 Hiking Trails and Woodcutting Procedures 06.18.2016
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